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Multivizija: Multimedia, Theatre and Dance Training for Vulnerable Groups


Between 1 November 2018 and 31 December 2019, in collaboration with seven partner organisations: ODTIZ Institute, Rokavička Institute, Povod Institute, Ključ Association, Ritmi Planeta Association, Slovenian Association of Disabled Students and the Slovenian Association of Muscular dystrophy, APIS Institute, conducted the Multivizija project: multimedia, theatre, and dance training for vulnerable groups. The project is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union through the European Social Fund.


This consortium of partners links organisations working with different vulnerable groups that are active in the field of culture. We decided on an intersectional approach to vulnerable groups with an understanding of compounded multi-layered identities. Together we outlined our needs and defined our targeted groups:


- Physically disabled persons (persons with disabilities/handicaps);

- immigrants, refugees, unaccompanied young persons (over 15), asylum seekers, Roma;

- individuals belonging to the national communities and nationalities of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, particularly Serbs, Bosnians, and Macedonians.


The Multivizija project aims to train 50 individuals from vulnerable groups in the field of multimedia, dance, and theatre with the goal of improving their chances of gaining employment in the fields of culture and social integration. Simultaneously the project employs a person from a vulnerable group.


Through a variety of innovative artistic expressions, our activities will treat patterns of stigmatisation due to dissimilarity (culture, disability/handicap, immigration, refuge) and accompanying victimisation, exploring options of how artistic form can be used as a device for empowerment, a means of gaining new skills for improved employability, an instrument of mobilisation, motivation, and advancement of proactive operation of vulnerable groups.

The training sessions will be headed by established supervisors and run in the following segments:


1.    Audio-visual production, which includes training in the fields of photography, visual production, mobile videography, and audio production;

2.    Dance/movement with dance therapy;

3.    Theatre, performance, and the theatre of the oppressed.


Each segment of the training sessions will conclude in multiplier activities that will aid in the training of 20 multipliers who are planned to conduct workshops even after the conclusion of the project within the organisations of the consortium of partners and thus increase the capacities of cultural artistic creativity for vulnerable groups.


In addition, we will run a series of supporting activities for vulnerable groups enhancing the knowledge of vulnerable groups and employees of our partner organisations resulting in improved knowledge of the Slovenian language and pronunciation, knowledge in the field of intercultural dialogue, a better understanding of intercultural communication, gaining skills required in working with vulnerable groups, cultural management, cultural production, and the like.


The project will conclude in a multimedia theatre production directed by Ivana Djilas.


We believe that in the long term our project will contribute in creating equal opportunities on several levels, foster active participation of vulnerable group members in the field of culture, and enhance their employability.

All workshops in the training will be in Ljubljana and are free of charge. You can apply HERE.


Project coordinator: Mija Pungeršič,

Project production and outline: Romana Zajec, Apis Institute’s programme director,


Operation Multivizija: Multimedia, Theatre and Dance Training for Vulnerable Groups is co-funded by European Social Fund of the European Union and Republic of Slovenia. The project is carried out in the frame of Operating program of European cohesion policy ( in period 2014-2020, that was chosen on an open tender for selection of operations “for bigger social inclusion of vulnerable social groups in the field of culture in frame of European social fund in years 2018-2019 (JR-ESS-2018-2019-SOCIAL INCLUSION)”.

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The media sponsor of a performance is the first program of Radio Slovenija - Radio Prvi.

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Project Multivizija: Multimedia, Theatre and Dance Training for Vulnerable Groups implements APIS Institute with partners. Operation is co-funded by Republic of Slovenia and European Social Fund of the European Union.

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